
Thursday, January 8, 2015

41 Weeks


When your due date comes and goes, you try everything to get your little man to come out on his own! See below!

I tried the Varsity... then walking around the mall 2 weeks before Christmas... that is desperation! 

Sleeping... I was so tired... physically and mentally! 

 I went to the gym... yup a 41 week prego waddled up in that place! I tried to walk him out while Steven pumped some iron! 

And the bouncy ball... I bounced on that thing every chance I could! 

Booti was even patiently waiting... and staring at me like I was a whale! :) 

and this was the last picture Steven and I  took before Zaiah came! This was the same night we finally got the call (at 11:30pm) from the hospital that they had a room available and to come on in! 

Zaiah ended up being 9 days late but it was all worth it... it gave Steven and I 9 more days to be a family of 2... we went to movies, dinner, breakfast, slept in, and ran out for quick errands... cause we could!