
Wednesday, December 4, 2013


Day 4: Best Friends 

The post is FINALLY here! Steven's best friend, Nathan Blase, has been wanting to be mentioned on my oh-so-famous blog and each time I posted without him mentioned I heard about it. Well today this post is FEATURING the very own, very cool, very unique Best Friend of ours.... BLASE! Steven and Blase (and me too) became friends in college and have basically been inseparable since! Their love for sports, food, Jesus, good beer, and cab sav have made it easy and natural for them to get along! Blase is one of the best guys I know and I am so thankful that Steven has him as a best friend! They hold each other accountable and build each other up all while making fun of each other ... just as best guy friends do! I also love Blase around and not because he has helped me tear pallets apart, untangle a whole thing of yarn, and watches Booti & Nora when we are out but because he challenges us both individually and as a couple! So today a big heartfelt thanks and appreciation goes out to Blase! You rock my friend! 

Warming Hearts Outside Every Christmas!

Day 3: Outside

Today I chose my very cute Christmas doormat as my outside pic! 
Doesn't he just make you smile? :)

PS- Just because it's after 12 and technically a new day, I am still up therefore it is still Day 3 to me. Don't judge! 

Monday, December 2, 2013


Day 2: OOTD

I saw these letters on the December Photo A Day Challenge and thought "huh, wonder what that stands for?" I looked up the hashtag on Instagram and there was no common picture. I couldn't put the pieces together so humbled myself, broke down and asked a friend who I know keeps up with the lingo these days! Drum roll please....


So here is mine today! I received this lovely scarf from my good friend Jess for my birthday and I made my very own boot socks/leg warmers using an old sweater from my closest! 

I am very thankful for the clothes in my closet, my friends for knowing my style and being thoughtful in their gift giving, my craftiness to not only have the eye but execute the projects, and a job that allows me to wear comfy clothes everyday! This rainy cold Monday won't get me down! :) 

Sunday, December 1, 2013

Reason for the Season

Oh hello there! Long time no talk... seems to be the story of my life on here! Well have no fear because I started a December daily photo challenge that I have taken one step further and challenged myself to blog every day along with it! 

Day 1: Selfie

I thought today would be the perfect time to re-re-re-restart my blogging (who knows how many times I have started this thing)! As we all know, it's December 1st and everyone is gearing up for the Christmas season (hence my Christmas sweatshirt in the pic above). Tonight at InsideOut, the service was rightfully called "The Christmas Story." The speaker started off with the question "is it hype or history? Is it a hallmark holiday where retailers rack in the money, and Santa Claus* is just part of a cute story or is there is real reason behind all this madness, did something really happen?" 

Growing up for me.... it was all hype. I thought of Christmas as most children do... joy, gifts, lights, family, and food! Until I realized that it really was history. This story really did happen. And it even started long before "Christmas" came about. There were 40+ prophecies hundreds of years before that Jesus fulfilled throughout His life. The speaker tonight gave us a few examples of just the ones regarding his birth (and one of my brilliant girls brought up the fact that they aren't just general statements... they are detailed):

Jesus will come from the line of Abraham.
Prophecy: Genesis 12:3
Fulfilled: Matthew 1:1

Jesus' mother will be a virgin.
Prophecy: Isaiah 7:14
Fulfilled: Matthew 1:18-23

Jesus will be a descendent of Isaac and Jacob.
Prophecy: Genesis 17:19 & Numbers 24:17
Fulfilled: Matthew 1:2

Jesus will be born in the town of Bethlehem.
Prophecy: Micah 5:2
Fulfilled: Luke 2:1-7

Jesus will be a member of the tribe of Judah.
Prophecy: Genesis 49:10
Fulfilled: Luke 3:33

Jesus' birth will be accompanied with great suffering and sorrow.
Prophecy: Jeremiah 31:15
Fulfilled: Matthew 2:16

Jesus will live a perfect life, die by crucifixion, resurrect from death, ascend into heaven, and sit at the right hand of God. 
Prophecies: Psalm 22:16, Psalm 16:10, Isaiah 53:10-11, 
Psalm 68:18, Psalm 110:1
Fulfilled: 1 Peter 2:21-22, Luke 23:33, Acts 2:25-32, Acts 1:9, Hebrews 1:3

Jesus is why we celebrate this season! Today's photo challenge was "selfie" but Jesus is the one who should get the credit today (and everyday)... not me. 

Merry Christmas to all and to all a good night! 

*Santa Claus is basically dutch for Saint Nicholas. Saint Nicholas (according to Jessica's dad!) was a Bishop who loved Jesus and wanted to celebrate His life by giving gifts to the poor. We give gifts to this day to celebrate Jesus and pass on the tradition that Saint Nicholas started!