
Tuesday, September 10, 2013

And all in the lineage of Jesus.

Tonight my small group, made up of amazing girls who all have different backgrounds and life paths but all have the biggest heart for Jesus, had our first official Bible study of the season! We took a break for the summer to recharge but now we are ready to jump back in! 

I absolutely love these gals and enjoy the time I have with them! We decided to each meet with each other, one on one outside of group, every 2 weeks as well! We did that by drawing names. I wanted to post a little blurb about each girl now, and then each time I meet with someone new, post something new I learned about them! I am excited to get to know all of the girls that much more!

So here's the crew (from my perspective):

she's our leader (whether she knows it or not) and a good one at that. She is very knowledgable about our topics, always wanting to go deep and find what we should be getting out of each thing we study. She sees the big picture!

she's the thinker. She is always seeing things from a different but very real perspective. She's the creeper in all our pictures! 

she's the analyzer. The people watcher. She is very keen on not only what people are saying but how their body language is too. You might catch her staring at you with a deep thought look but you can tell she just loves learning from each person. 

She's the comforter. She always makes you feel comfortable with being who you really are. She always relates and encourages you to be yourself. Especially when you don't know stories in the bible! :)

she's the realist. She tells it how it is but is open for feedback. She gets us talking about our real life situations that go along with what we are studying. She pulls it all together! She's weird about salsa though! 

she's the listener. She just takes it all in and laughs it all out! She's the most laid back of the bunch! She is also the youngest so she seeks advice from each person as it pertains! 

she's the go-getter. She is great at figuring out what God wants us to get, see, and act and not only says it like it is but does it too! She is bold & brave. Always finding the heart of the matter and then figuring out how we can do it ourselves! 

she's the supporter. She is always there to support your plead, help you finish what you are trying to say when you just can't get it out and then makes it easier for people to understand. She is always smiling at you when you talk to know that its okay to continue! 

she's the connector. She finds a way to not only connect what we read to what we personally do but she is personal with it. Connects not only herself to the individual but connects the group as whole like glue! 

she's the encourager. No matter what you do or say, she will be there to cheer you on! She wants our group to be all that they can be but in our way ways. 

...and all in the lineage of Jesus!   

The book we decided on this go around is A Lineage of Grace by Francine Rivers. It is five stories of unlikely women who changed eternity. The five women have their own blurbs (credit to Rivers) and although maybe not exactly like us, but definitely relatable in every way. 

Betrayed by the men who controlled her future, she fought for her right to believe in a loving God. 

A woman with a past to whom God gave a future.

She gave up everything expecting nothing and God honored her. 

Her beauty stirred the passion of a king. Her pain moved the heart of God. 

All eternity had been waiting for this moment. She responded in simple obedience to God's call. 

...and all in the lineage of Jesus. 

It's amazing who God calls to lead us into a relationship with Him. It doesn't have to be those who have it all together and more than likely it isn't. Check this out...

Jacob was a cheater, Peter had a temper, David had an affair, Noah got drunk, Jonah ran from God, Paul was a murderer, Gideon was insecure, Miriam was a gossiper, Martha was a worrier, Thomas was a doubter, Sara was impatient, Elijah was moody, Moses stuttered, Zacchaeus was short, Abraham was old, and Lazarus was dead.God doesn't call the qualified, He qualifies the called!

I am so excited to learn more about Jesus, the Bible and myself during this study. I will continue to post about the book & our findings so you can learn with me! Get ready, it's gonna rock our worlds! 

Here is a picstitch from our group tonight!

Saturday, September 7, 2013

Good (Unexpected) Times!

So i've been told that I have been slacking on my postings... they were right! Well they asked for it (cough cough Wendi!). Here are my past couple of weekends in picture form! (sorry about the quality on some of these... not sure what happened!)

Back to School Bash at InsideOut - Here's to another year! MY GIRLS ARE SOPHOMORES!!! I didn't expect them to grow up so fast. 

PUMPKIN is here....unexpectedly a month early! Had a pumpkin spice latte first but my tastebuds were in amazing shock after tasting this pumpkin spice frap! Woa... party in my mouth!

Had plans to get brunch & mimosas with my college besties and that turned into an unexpected all day event to SkyView Atlanta! (yes, that is a broken champagne glass in a water glass... because Lester got fired up talking about baby nurseries and decided to slam her glass down! Improvise & overcome!).

Unexpected trip to the Lake with Lester, B, and Sam! Sinking noodles didn't stop us!

Was not expecting to get out of bed at a certain time but got a text from my Dad to join them at Dave & Busters. Then, very unexpectedly got a call from my brother basically begging us to come! :) Ok fine. Twist my arm! 

Planned a triple date with my sister & Will, Katie & Joe to go bowling. When we got there (on a wednesday night might I add) all lanes were full...that was definitely unexpected. We to Mountasia instead! Boys vs Girls.... let's just say that I had to give Steven a 5 minute massage. 
