It’s probably a good thing that I wasn’t blogging for the
first half of 2013. It has been one crazy, hectic year filled with parties,
showers, and weddings…. But all filled with so much love! So much love that I
WOULD have posted about 10,000 pictures from each. Lucky you 'cause now I have
narrowed it down just 2 per wedding. I know it’s crazy… I can’t believe that I
could only pick 2 for each, but I did. So here is a recap of them all!
Friday, May 24th – Josh & Hadyn’s
Their wedding was up in Flintstone, GA (yup, you heard me
right!). It was an outdoor wedding and absolutely beautiful weather. The
reception was held in a very chabby chic upscale barn that was so super
adorable. The food was down home country and delicious! Hadyn’s family got Josh
a shotgun that he opened at the reception… it was priceless! Their wedding
favors were homemade bars of soap from a local Georgian! So cute. Here are 2
pics from their wedding! YAB-A-DAB-A-DO!!!
Saturday, June 1st – Will & Erica
Erica meaning Erica Cox… MY SISTER! So crazy but she is a
wife now! Their wedding was in Kennesaw, GA at the Hill Manor House. It was an
all outdoor wedding and the weather was perfect… it started to drizzle at the
very end but they didn’t care, they were headed to their honeymoon! The
reception consisted of amazing food, cake and LOTS of dancing. The best part
about the whole thing (other than the fact that I was her maid of honor and
could not be more happy for them) was that it was their very first kiss at the
ceremony. Yes folks, we were there to witness it all go down and it was the
most precious thing ever! I’m surprised
Will made it through the whole ceremony without 1. Passing out and 2. Waiting
to kiss until he was told to! PS- she was the most glowing & gorgeous bride! Here are 2 pics from their wedding!
Sunday, June 2nd – Josh & Tricia
Their wedding was in Lula, GA. It was supposed to be an
outdoor ceremony but about 10 minutes before she was about to walk down the
aisle, it started POURING! We waited for about 15 minutes and then decided to
switch it up and have it inside the beautiful newly built barn…it couldn’t have
been prettier. The colors inside, the sun and rain coming down behind them, and
those 2 just caring that they were getting married and starting their lives
together as a family! The company & cupcakes were awesome but the most
amazing thing of the whole wedding happened at the altar…. Josh & Tricia
decided that their first act as a married couple, they wanted to serve each
other just as Jesus served us during his time here on earth. So they washed
each others feet. The most humbling act of service a person could do…
especially a bride on her wedding day... in her wedding dress! It was the
absolute most beautiful thing I had ever seen at a wedding. “We are not here to
be served but to serve one another.” Wow. Here are 2 pics from their wedding!

Saturday, June 8th – Nick & Lauren
Their wedding was in Lawrenceville, GA. It was an indoor
wedding at the brand new wedding venue, Ashton Gardens. They had a mac n’
cheese bar and an oreo cake… need I say more? Okay… the ceremony was stunning
with the natural light from the glass windows and Lauren’s AMAZING dress....
plus Steven married them! Yep, Steven performed their ceremony and he did a fabulous
job! I was so proud! The whole wedding was right up Nick & Lauren’s alley –
from the laid back ceremony where jokes were being cracked to dancing to Justin
Beiber & Nsync to the glow sticks at
the end! Plus their wedding favor was a super awesome neon green koozie with a
pink moustache on it (someplace cool to STACHE your drink!). Here are 2 pics
from their wedding!
Saturday, June 22nd – Daniel & Lauren
Their wedding was in good ole Roswell, GA – the home of the
fun little town with cute restaurants and Lauren’s favorite hang out place!
They had an outdoor wedding on a beautiful shaded lawn at the Primose Cottage.
The reception took place partially inside and partially outside of the house.
Inside there was wonderful food and a lot more dancing; outside there were
lines to the bar… everywhere you went, people were having fun and knew how to
do it! Lauren was 1 beautiful bride and Daniel was 1 happy groom… together they
were in awe that this day was finally here. It was bittersweet because on one hand
I got to see one of my best friends marry the guy of her dreams (and who she
had dated for 8 years) but on the other hand, I had to let her go…. And I know
you are thinking “Jordan, you are married and have to let go of all your
friends when they get married…” but she is different… Her and Daniel now live in
CALIFORNIA. AHHH but freakin’ finally!
(See I told you its bittersweet!) I know she is where she needs to be so I am
okay with it… but as they ran to their limo that night, I think Rachel and I
both almost jumped in with them! Here are 2 pics from their wedding!

Ah. And my job here is done. No more weddings this year... I can work on being the best wife I can be to my amazing husband! I sure do love wedding season but I am sure happy it's over for this year! I know, I know... Here come the babies! :)
Heads up about my next blog post... it might be a little bit (like a week... don't get your panties in a wad!) because I am leaving for a trip and NOT taking my computer! Here is a clue at where i'll be and what i'll be doing: