
Wednesday, December 4, 2013


Day 4: Best Friends 

The post is FINALLY here! Steven's best friend, Nathan Blase, has been wanting to be mentioned on my oh-so-famous blog and each time I posted without him mentioned I heard about it. Well today this post is FEATURING the very own, very cool, very unique Best Friend of ours.... BLASE! Steven and Blase (and me too) became friends in college and have basically been inseparable since! Their love for sports, food, Jesus, good beer, and cab sav have made it easy and natural for them to get along! Blase is one of the best guys I know and I am so thankful that Steven has him as a best friend! They hold each other accountable and build each other up all while making fun of each other ... just as best guy friends do! I also love Blase around and not because he has helped me tear pallets apart, untangle a whole thing of yarn, and watches Booti & Nora when we are out but because he challenges us both individually and as a couple! So today a big heartfelt thanks and appreciation goes out to Blase! You rock my friend! 

Warming Hearts Outside Every Christmas!

Day 3: Outside

Today I chose my very cute Christmas doormat as my outside pic! 
Doesn't he just make you smile? :)

PS- Just because it's after 12 and technically a new day, I am still up therefore it is still Day 3 to me. Don't judge! 

Monday, December 2, 2013


Day 2: OOTD

I saw these letters on the December Photo A Day Challenge and thought "huh, wonder what that stands for?" I looked up the hashtag on Instagram and there was no common picture. I couldn't put the pieces together so humbled myself, broke down and asked a friend who I know keeps up with the lingo these days! Drum roll please....


So here is mine today! I received this lovely scarf from my good friend Jess for my birthday and I made my very own boot socks/leg warmers using an old sweater from my closest! 

I am very thankful for the clothes in my closet, my friends for knowing my style and being thoughtful in their gift giving, my craftiness to not only have the eye but execute the projects, and a job that allows me to wear comfy clothes everyday! This rainy cold Monday won't get me down! :) 

Sunday, December 1, 2013

Reason for the Season

Oh hello there! Long time no talk... seems to be the story of my life on here! Well have no fear because I started a December daily photo challenge that I have taken one step further and challenged myself to blog every day along with it! 

Day 1: Selfie

I thought today would be the perfect time to re-re-re-restart my blogging (who knows how many times I have started this thing)! As we all know, it's December 1st and everyone is gearing up for the Christmas season (hence my Christmas sweatshirt in the pic above). Tonight at InsideOut, the service was rightfully called "The Christmas Story." The speaker started off with the question "is it hype or history? Is it a hallmark holiday where retailers rack in the money, and Santa Claus* is just part of a cute story or is there is real reason behind all this madness, did something really happen?" 

Growing up for me.... it was all hype. I thought of Christmas as most children do... joy, gifts, lights, family, and food! Until I realized that it really was history. This story really did happen. And it even started long before "Christmas" came about. There were 40+ prophecies hundreds of years before that Jesus fulfilled throughout His life. The speaker tonight gave us a few examples of just the ones regarding his birth (and one of my brilliant girls brought up the fact that they aren't just general statements... they are detailed):

Jesus will come from the line of Abraham.
Prophecy: Genesis 12:3
Fulfilled: Matthew 1:1

Jesus' mother will be a virgin.
Prophecy: Isaiah 7:14
Fulfilled: Matthew 1:18-23

Jesus will be a descendent of Isaac and Jacob.
Prophecy: Genesis 17:19 & Numbers 24:17
Fulfilled: Matthew 1:2

Jesus will be born in the town of Bethlehem.
Prophecy: Micah 5:2
Fulfilled: Luke 2:1-7

Jesus will be a member of the tribe of Judah.
Prophecy: Genesis 49:10
Fulfilled: Luke 3:33

Jesus' birth will be accompanied with great suffering and sorrow.
Prophecy: Jeremiah 31:15
Fulfilled: Matthew 2:16

Jesus will live a perfect life, die by crucifixion, resurrect from death, ascend into heaven, and sit at the right hand of God. 
Prophecies: Psalm 22:16, Psalm 16:10, Isaiah 53:10-11, 
Psalm 68:18, Psalm 110:1
Fulfilled: 1 Peter 2:21-22, Luke 23:33, Acts 2:25-32, Acts 1:9, Hebrews 1:3

Jesus is why we celebrate this season! Today's photo challenge was "selfie" but Jesus is the one who should get the credit today (and everyday)... not me. 

Merry Christmas to all and to all a good night! 

*Santa Claus is basically dutch for Saint Nicholas. Saint Nicholas (according to Jessica's dad!) was a Bishop who loved Jesus and wanted to celebrate His life by giving gifts to the poor. We give gifts to this day to celebrate Jesus and pass on the tradition that Saint Nicholas started! 

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

And all in the lineage of Jesus.

Tonight my small group, made up of amazing girls who all have different backgrounds and life paths but all have the biggest heart for Jesus, had our first official Bible study of the season! We took a break for the summer to recharge but now we are ready to jump back in! 

I absolutely love these gals and enjoy the time I have with them! We decided to each meet with each other, one on one outside of group, every 2 weeks as well! We did that by drawing names. I wanted to post a little blurb about each girl now, and then each time I meet with someone new, post something new I learned about them! I am excited to get to know all of the girls that much more!

So here's the crew (from my perspective):

she's our leader (whether she knows it or not) and a good one at that. She is very knowledgable about our topics, always wanting to go deep and find what we should be getting out of each thing we study. She sees the big picture!

she's the thinker. She is always seeing things from a different but very real perspective. She's the creeper in all our pictures! 

she's the analyzer. The people watcher. She is very keen on not only what people are saying but how their body language is too. You might catch her staring at you with a deep thought look but you can tell she just loves learning from each person. 

She's the comforter. She always makes you feel comfortable with being who you really are. She always relates and encourages you to be yourself. Especially when you don't know stories in the bible! :)

she's the realist. She tells it how it is but is open for feedback. She gets us talking about our real life situations that go along with what we are studying. She pulls it all together! She's weird about salsa though! 

she's the listener. She just takes it all in and laughs it all out! She's the most laid back of the bunch! She is also the youngest so she seeks advice from each person as it pertains! 

she's the go-getter. She is great at figuring out what God wants us to get, see, and act and not only says it like it is but does it too! She is bold & brave. Always finding the heart of the matter and then figuring out how we can do it ourselves! 

she's the supporter. She is always there to support your plead, help you finish what you are trying to say when you just can't get it out and then makes it easier for people to understand. She is always smiling at you when you talk to know that its okay to continue! 

she's the connector. She finds a way to not only connect what we read to what we personally do but she is personal with it. Connects not only herself to the individual but connects the group as whole like glue! 

she's the encourager. No matter what you do or say, she will be there to cheer you on! She wants our group to be all that they can be but in our way ways. 

...and all in the lineage of Jesus!   

The book we decided on this go around is A Lineage of Grace by Francine Rivers. It is five stories of unlikely women who changed eternity. The five women have their own blurbs (credit to Rivers) and although maybe not exactly like us, but definitely relatable in every way. 

Betrayed by the men who controlled her future, she fought for her right to believe in a loving God. 

A woman with a past to whom God gave a future.

She gave up everything expecting nothing and God honored her. 

Her beauty stirred the passion of a king. Her pain moved the heart of God. 

All eternity had been waiting for this moment. She responded in simple obedience to God's call. 

...and all in the lineage of Jesus. 

It's amazing who God calls to lead us into a relationship with Him. It doesn't have to be those who have it all together and more than likely it isn't. Check this out...

Jacob was a cheater, Peter had a temper, David had an affair, Noah got drunk, Jonah ran from God, Paul was a murderer, Gideon was insecure, Miriam was a gossiper, Martha was a worrier, Thomas was a doubter, Sara was impatient, Elijah was moody, Moses stuttered, Zacchaeus was short, Abraham was old, and Lazarus was dead.God doesn't call the qualified, He qualifies the called!

I am so excited to learn more about Jesus, the Bible and myself during this study. I will continue to post about the book & our findings so you can learn with me! Get ready, it's gonna rock our worlds! 

Here is a picstitch from our group tonight!

Saturday, September 7, 2013

Good (Unexpected) Times!

So i've been told that I have been slacking on my postings... they were right! Well they asked for it (cough cough Wendi!). Here are my past couple of weekends in picture form! (sorry about the quality on some of these... not sure what happened!)

Back to School Bash at InsideOut - Here's to another year! MY GIRLS ARE SOPHOMORES!!! I didn't expect them to grow up so fast. 

PUMPKIN is here....unexpectedly a month early! Had a pumpkin spice latte first but my tastebuds were in amazing shock after tasting this pumpkin spice frap! Woa... party in my mouth!

Had plans to get brunch & mimosas with my college besties and that turned into an unexpected all day event to SkyView Atlanta! (yes, that is a broken champagne glass in a water glass... because Lester got fired up talking about baby nurseries and decided to slam her glass down! Improvise & overcome!).

Unexpected trip to the Lake with Lester, B, and Sam! Sinking noodles didn't stop us!

Was not expecting to get out of bed at a certain time but got a text from my Dad to join them at Dave & Busters. Then, very unexpectedly got a call from my brother basically begging us to come! :) Ok fine. Twist my arm! 

Planned a triple date with my sister & Will, Katie & Joe to go bowling. When we got there (on a wednesday night might I add) all lanes were full...that was definitely unexpected. We to Mountasia instead! Boys vs Girls.... let's just say that I had to give Steven a 5 minute massage. 


Friday, August 16, 2013

It's The Little Things

You know those mornings where you notice the small things? I had one of those today! These simple, little things made me smile this morning and I thought I would share! 

1. Scarf in August. This beautiful, colorful scarf my sister gave me on the day before her wedding. I was happy to feel the cool breeze hit my face this morning that allowed me to wear it! 

2. The Gathering Place Coffee Mug. For 2 reasons. A. it reminds me of my sweet friends that started The Gathering Place Church in Costa Rica and the work they are doing there to spread The Good News. B. It meant that I was up early with my hubby enjoying a cup of joe before starting our day! 

3. The Booti Bear! Look at that cute face... how could you not smile? I love the joy he shows me every time he sees me but especially in the mornings! I love how much he loves his chicken too! :) I have to remind him that it will be waiting inside for him when he comes back from going outside - he would bring it everywhere if he could! 

4. Peace Tea. Any Flavor. So Good. Ran in to grab a Smart Water this morning at the gas station and a whole case of these suckers were nice and cold next to the register. I couldn't resist. $.99, 100% natural tea, no artificial flavors, no preservatives, no artificial colors, and 150 calories for the whole can!

5. Sunflowers. I have been growing some sunflowers on my deck in a pot for what seems like forever and finally they started to bloom earlier this week. This morning I came downstairs to find all of them but 1 blown over from the rain last night. It was sad times until Steven said "why don't you cut them and enjoy them in a vase inside!" Genius. The vase is from my sisters wedding. The lace is from my step-mom's wedding dress. The whole situation is just precious and filled with love. I might have stared at it for a while this morning just smiling and looking at it from all angles!

6. Follow Me by David Platt. 1 of 3 books I am currently reading. I smile just knowing that I get to read this book. I love that Steven and I are reading this book together (that makes my heart smile), I love that I am learning every time I open it, and I love that David Platt is doing a simulcast on it next week that I am going to attend.

7. Nora Bora. The cutest little thing ever. We had some me and her time this morning just rolling on the floor! She loves to be touched, held, looked at, anything where she is getting the attention. She sees a free hand and jumps for it! She is excited to go outside every time you ask her... sometimes I just ask her if she wants to go outside so I can see her turn around in circles while jumping in the air. She has skill.  

8. Thread Holder. Not sure why this caught my eye this morning while passing my arts & crafts room but it did. I smile when I see it because one of my best friends, Jessica... you might know her by now from all my posts about her, but she gave it to me. For no reason. She just knew that I had always wanted one and one day brought it over. Doesn't any gift for no reason make everyone smile? 

Here's to cherishing the little things! 

Thursday, August 1, 2013

Come On Down, Come on Over....

Come on in to the LightHouse. A place where God's light shines, shines for everyone....playing in the sand, laughing in the sun. (sang with fun hand-gestures!)

So I know this post was supposed to come before the last one cause I left you hanging but here it is.... out of order but filled with love. 

A couple of weeks ago Steven and I, 5 leaders, and 16 high school students 

took a huge bus (where we all got our own row!) down to Santa Rosa Beach.

When we arrived, the 7 guys and myself (cause I am married to one of the guys) headed to a super awesome condo that they had for us to not only rest our heads at night but a big open area where we invited many others over for Spicy Uno, the name game, and charades. It was AKA....

After getting settled in, all of the volunteers for the week gathered for a meeting. There we learned that we would be serving 11 families who each had a child with cancer. They ranged anywhere from about 5 years old to 18 years old. All different types and stages. We were there to serve them and cater to their every need so that they could have a relaxing, do-nothing-kind-of vacation, but our number one priority was to love them as Christ loves us. 
And we did just that! 

Each of us had different prep teams we were a part of. 
I was on the breakfast crew. 
We were up and out every morning by 7:15am prepping for all of the families to be served a hearty breakfast. Most days we started the line off with fresh baked doughnuts from the Donut Hole! :)

Then it was off to FlipFlop time!! This was a time where the parents went to Common Ground (counseling sessions with a couple who had been through a child struggling with cancer) and we got to play with the kids (both kids in treatment & siblings). I was deemed as 1 of 3 Flip Flop assistants to my girl, Logan! So I got a little taste of each flip flop group!

Here are the JellyFish making their very own LightHouses! 

The Minnows got to finger paint a guitar that they auctioned off! 

Aby fell in love with one of her Guppies, Sissy, but don't worry, the love was mutual. They were attached at the hip all week! 

The Sharks had some quality pool time!

This is when Steven met Brian! 
A great guy with a big sense of humor and love for hockey! 

And then there was Conched Out Time - where we did exactly that! 
(Except for the 2 times that we made a trip to Frost Bites!)
(Stuffed pineapple, coconut, & lime was the bomb!)

Each night we had a themed dinner planned for the families! 
There was a Luau. 

Italian Night - where the volunteers sang "Be Our Guests" as they served the food!

Low Country Boil! 

And a pizza rolls/chicken fingers-kind-of-night with a "drive-in" movie on the big screen for the kids while their parents had a more than likely long overdo date! 
Can't forget the dance party that happened every time the music was on too! 

Now Featuring... Tangled! 

And then what would be a full 100 person retreat without a talent show one night as well?
Here are the JellyFish dressed as superheros about to perform the Ice Cream Dance! 

They looked innocent until they came out with whip cream pies and got the summer staff! 

Here are the Sharks about to wow the audience with their mix match up from Gangnam Style to Sexy And I Know It to Blessings sang by the oh-so-precious Noah! 

Speaking of audience... here is a snapshot of them! 

Valerie's guitar debut with her beautiful backup singers:
 Jessica, Taylor, Sydney, & Savannah!

and many, many more!! 

So between everything I have already mentioned, there wasn't much time left to do anything else... but that didn't stop us!

Caden continued to be his cute self every where he went and with everything he did... espcially kicking around the soccer ball!

Sheyana fell in love with Riley! 

And he even let her paint his finger nails! 

William found a fun, cool, easy ride who then became his best friend!  

Aby loved on Lake every chance she got!

There was ALWAYS a game being played on the 9 square set! 

Shoulder Dancing with our buddies Lake & Trindon! 

We even had a day where the Daraja Choir from Uganda came to visit where they greeted us with the BEST HUGS I have ever receieved. The joy on their face & in their actions shined like crazy! 
They taught us a new song & dance! 
Oh, happy day, happy day... you wash my sins away. Oh, happy day, happy day... I'll never be the same. Forever I am changed.

Played corn hole! 

Even requested to eat last so that they could serve us. 
And that they did - without complaints & with all smiles. They taught us that day what it was like to serve with unconditional love. 

Our group got to bond as a Watermarke InsideOut LightHouse missions team! We had a blast serving with each other and will never forget this experience we shared... here are some pics to prove it! 

So all in all - it was a pretty AMAZING week. It was eye opening, breath taking, laugh out loud, hold back the tears, let the tears roll, fall in love with kids, act like a kid, eat like a kid, perfect place to shine God's love - kind - of -week! 

Come on Down, Come on Over, Come on In to the Lighthouse!

Some of you are probably thinking.... why did you take the time off work, away from your families/friends, to serve others with sweat, labor, tears, and humility? ...Because I am not here to be served but to serve others as Christ has done for me. This is only a glimpse of what Jesus did with His time on earth for me, the least I can do is serve others in His name. To spread the love that He has shown me. To prove to others that giving up is not the answer... God never gave up on me. Plus - as you can see from my post & pictures... the sweat, labor, tears, and humility was nothing compared to the smiles, joy, hugs, and love that I received in return. I am blessed to have had the opportunity to do this so thank you to all of my supporters - both morally & financially! Until next year's LightHouse trip....