
Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Why Christianity?

My co-worker and I have had plenty of discussions on religion over the past couple of months sitting right next to each other but today’s was a little different. It was different because it really made me think (more than usual!). I was telling her that I wish I knew at least 1 person from each other major religion besides Christianity (Judaism & Islam) that I could actually sit down and really be able to talk to them about what they believe. I have some things about each of those religions that I simply don’t like (as I know there are some things people don’t like about Christianity) and I want to know their perspective on those things. I know that if someone were to come to me about the things they didn’t like about Christianity, I would want to chance to either explain, or try to figure out myself (since I am new in my walk, I certainly don’t know enough to answer it all). Then my co-worker said something interesting… she said something to fact of “instead of all of that, I would like to know what people DO like about their religion, what draws them toward it.” So that is what got me thinking…why Christianity for me?

This is how it all started. I will admit that I have called myself a Christian for a long time. I said it because that is what everyone around me claimed to be as well.Like many others, I strayed from all religion, made comments about the “God Squad” that would walk by me in school, & lived my life for me. What I wanted to do, what worked best for me, what would help me in the end, etc. I did this because growing up I was not forced to pray or go to Church, etc. Which, in my eyes, is awesome. Anything forced is not genuine. It allowed me (after time & maturing) to do my own research of who I wanted to be and what I wanted to believe. Since doing the research on Christianity & a little on the other major religions, I decided that I love Christianity more & more with every little thing that I learn. Not one thing has made me question or take steps back. There are no contradictions. SO, here are only some of the things that I love about Christianity:

- It is a relationship, not really a religion. I believe religion clouds the mind and alters people from experiencing God.

- It is selfless. We live to serve and love others.

- I like how Christains want to do acts of service not have to do them.

- The Bible was written by many different people from all different backgrounds, walks of life, time periods, and all they all claim the same. You can’t deny that! This is history people… it really happened. 

- We have Jesus on our side. Who is greater? The guy fulfilled all prophecies, performed miraculous deeds, & rose from the dead. Who does that? Only the best! Talk about someone I would want to follow & strive to live for.

- The love, peace, joy, forgiveness, patience, and many many more things that I feel after accepting Jesus as my savior! Knowing that times won't always be easy but I have a Rock to lean on to and that loves me for me!

- Lastly… how cool is it that our modern day calendars go by Jesus’ birth (BC & AD).

So why do you believe what you believe? It really is something good to think about.