So I spent 10 months working out and watching what I ate before the wedding. The first 9 months I was working out the wedding plans and I watched the sweets go into my mouth and the last month I spent working out at the gym and tried to eat healthy! Then I go on the honeymoon and gain all of it back. How come you spend so much time trying to lose weight but can gain it back so quickly? Then on the other hand, Steven didn't really try to do anything and he looked REAL good! On the honeymoon he gained like 8 pounds and he is already back to looking REAL good! No fair. If life was fair though we probably wouldn't like that either... just something to think about!
Here are some pictures from the honeymoon! (Wedding pictures coming soon!)
"When you set a goal, don't focus on the problems, focus on the promises." - Rick Warren
God makes over 7,000 promises to us in the Bible. I think we should be able to find a few to focus on. Steven and I have many goals for our life together that range from one end of the spectrum to the other but more importantly we have only a few words that we want people to remember us by. At the end of the day and our lives, people aren't going to care about the goals we set for ourselves but what we did along the way to achieve those goals. The words we would like to be associated with are: Christ-driven, giving, adventurous, compassionate, and selfless. Those words are the goals that we are striving for. What words are you striving for? Are you really living like you want them?