
Tuesday, December 16, 2014

39 Weeks

39 Weeks

Laughter is my emotion during pregnancy... forget crying, my hormones start raging and I am uncontrollably laughing. You would think that when people lay hands on a pregnant belly and pray over them that they would cry because it's so beautiful but not this girl.... I laughed... the.whole.time. 

Had 3 vacation days I would lose so I decided to use those up Dec 10, 11 & 12. It was so nice to sleep in and get some stuff done around the house! Got all my Christmas shopping and wrapping done too! 

I feel great but feel like this is not normal... I should feel miserable (according to movies) but i'm good... this better not mean that he is comfortable in there... I still want to meet him soon!

People say your appetite usually suppresses the last couple of weeks... not mine! Still chowin' down on bowls of cereal...  yes, bowls.

Craving sugar! Of course! LOTS OF IT TOO! 

His movements are crazy... I can see every single one of them so clear cause he has no room!

Gained 32.5 lbs so far (my goal was to keep it at or under 35 so as long as I don't gain more than 2.5 in the last week then i'm golden!) Still not dilated at all. Doctor said I am mid range effaced so that is little progress in the right direction! 

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