
Thursday, December 30, 2010

2011 Resolutions!... Yes, with an S!

Can you believe it's almost 2011? Crazy! This year flew by... and what a wonderful year it was! I can't remember what my New Years Resolution was for 2010. I think it was to floss after every meal or something. My dentist would have loved me if I really did it but obviously that didn't happen! This year I have 3 "resolutions" that I am going to try and keep up with. Numbero Uno is at the top and my biggest priority: read the entire Bible. Steven and I plan on doing this one together. Our plan (thanks to some of our dearest friends, John & Rebekah Lovell) is to do 2 chapters in the Old Testament and 2 chapters in the New Testament (starting from the beginning) each day. Once we finish the New Testament we will jump to Proverbs and Psalms. We should finish in about 10 months... giving us a few months of cushion in case we get tied up every once in awhile. We are going to keep a whiteboard on our frig and each day update it with the new chapters for that day! I am excited. I have never read the entire Bible and I can't wait to learn, grow, and love more! My 2nd one is to learn and experience as much as I can with my new camera! I love photography and with my new camera that Santa brought me this year, I can only imagine where it will take me! I plan on reading the entire manual, keeping up with photography blogs and maybe even entering into photography contests, attending photography/camera classes with my good friend Lauren May, attempt at Photoshop, and taking as many pictures as I can! My 3rd (last but certainly not least) is to Live, Laugh, and Love more in 2011! That is pretty self explanatory! So wish me luck! I feel really good about these and actually have the drive to do all 3! I hope everyone has a wonderful and safe New Years Eve/Day!

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